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My House Is Built On Seven Pillars

Proverbs 9:1 Wisdom hath built her house. She hath hewn out her seven pillars.

In this scripture we see the principle of core values. Core values are more than good ideas from which we try to direct our life. They are the very foundation on which we build our life. Everyone lives by core values on some level, from a gang member on the street to the king’s throne. They may not understand or articulate what those values are, but when it comes to making decisions for your life, you reach for an inner voice that tells you what is right. To violate that voice is to open your life to ruin. If that voice is too vague, you can too easily compromise the things that should be important to you. When your core values are clear, most of your decisions are made in advance. Core Values are not business strategies, they simply guide business processes. They articulate what we stand for and guide us in making decisions. If you haven’t determined what your core values are yet, you need to ask yourself the question, “what is important to me? Which principle do I consider to be of the most value?” When you know your values, it helps you find your way in life. To give you an example, these are my Core Values. I have seven of them. Love Love is the fullest expression of God’s nature that there is. Love is the motivation for my actions and decisions. When I am rooted and grounded in love my capacity for experience is unlimited. The expressions of love are seen in 1st Corinthians 13. Wisdom Through wisdom and understanding all of the regions of life are explored and maximized. Wisdom provides the capacity to realize what is of value in life for one’s self and others. The searching out of wisdom is a priority to our family. The motto of the Edmon family is, “Wisdom and Understanding Conquers All”. Worship Worship is the adoring acknowledgment of God. Worship goes to the core of who we are in relation to being creative in his image. Worship is communion and fellowship with God. It is to live in a state of thanksgiving and spiritual awareness. Worship is to live from the inside out. Family When I think of family, I think of generations. How will my decisions and actions impact my wife, children, and grandchildren? I desire to create a Camelot and haven of safety. A place of unconditional love, acceptance and triumph. The highest priority of my time and leadership is focused within my own home and to my own family. Relationships The most important thing in the world is people. The access to our future is found in relationship. All promotions certainly come from God but it comes through people. So to those people I want to discover the power of giving myself through vulnerability, transparency and dependency and to join in a partnership with my fellowman thereby empowering them to reach their highest potential in the context of love and purpose. I want to create a flow that brings people together in relationship with vision and opportunity, to produce optimism that causes people to continue to reach for their dreams. Health I want to be spiritually, physically, emotionally, financially, and socially healthy. I want to function in all of these areas without any sense of handicap or limitation. For example, I don’t have to be rich, but I do want to be financially healthy. I want my relationships to be healthy relationships. I want to be connected socially in a way that is mutually healthy for everyone concerned. If you dislike more people than you like, then you are not healthy. Excellence My ambition is to capture the attitude and action of excellence, to develop the habits of care and detail. Excellence comes from a sense of passion to maximize our fullest potential in serving God and our fellow man. I want the will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach my fullest potential. Excellence results in honor and honor is the seed for access.

Dr. Jerry Edmon

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