God is writing a story about you
While looking at this life I realized that God is in the process of writing a story; a living story, one that more or less takes on a life of its own. It is very clear that He created all things for His own pleasure. His word tells us that. So creation as we know it comes out of His desire for something. As we live out our life, we see the chapters being written. But here is the interesting part. Because He is God, there is an element of certainty. Yet, at the same time he gave us the reins of the future to see where it would take us. That brings an element of uncertainty. It’s brilliant. The idea that He would create a living story is the most logical thought I know. In this story he created characters that could choose their own path, and because they carried the seeds of life within themselves, they could create their own destiny. He had characters that He loved and characters that He hated. All of His characters expressed His personality. This is where we see curiosity, affection, imagination, challenge, jealousy and love. All of this is merely an expression of the designer who created us after His own image and in His likeness. At the end of the book, when the final chapter is closed, He gathers the characters of His creative love and draws them to Himself for eternity, and says, “There are yet many adventures for us to experience”. In this book that He is writing, we find all of the components of a good story. What is a story? A story is about the struggle of someone. If there is no struggle, there is no story. Think of all of the books that you have read or television shows you have watched. Every one of them has a problem that involves a struggle. A good story provides something that the characters must struggle to get. Without a struggle, there simply is no story. Stories require a solution. If the solution is too easy then the story is boring. If the story is to be interesting, then the main character must struggle against real difficulties, even to the point of great loss and sacrifice. The problem that is presented in the story must be genuinely significant to the main character or the story won’t seem important to the reader. The main character is God and His struggle is to draw His creation back to Himself. In this story we have several components, but all of them are inter linked and take us back to the central theme. Something was lost from man and God. We find a struggle with an adversary who was at one time a key player in God’s plan. Oh the sense of betrayal that God must have felt. Then it comes to us, we find struggle within each character to overcome inside and outside influences. To make matters more complicated the story setting was in a darkened place where His authorship was obscured. In the midst of man’s struggle, we find a savior and solution, then blindness to the solution. We find motives within each character, and difficulties as a result of their history and environment. God deliberately built contradictions in each character. The solution to the story problem is the point of the story. It is Jesus Christ. He already knows the ending, and is working everything toward that.
Although God is the author and finisher of the story line, we have a part in writing it through our actions and decisions. In this sense, it takes part of the writing out of the author’s hands and allows the story to become alive to itself. How brilliant He has been in the orchestration of this play. Each of us with a flare of individually; free yet harnessed within the story line. Every character has the make-up to emerge as a key role in the story. Some players were earmarked as when He chose David. The Lord said, “I’ll choose whom I will choose and I will harden whom I will harden”. The story is alive.
Dr. Jerry Edmon